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Serving Customers in Ontario and Across Canada for Over 40 Years!

Document Imaging - Indexing, Archiving, OCR & Searchable PDF’s

Simple Document Imaging & Workflow Management Solution

Archive and organise documents into searchable PDF formats for easy backup and storage.

Imagine being able to “google” any document in your organization based on a keyword or number reference. With OCR recognition software, you are able to search for your scanned documents by any name or number reference.

The 3 components of a simple document management and digital archiving solution

Scanning and Imaging:

Documents are scanned into Searchable PDF format (Optical Character Recognition indexes all text, keyword and number references contained in the document).


Very simply and easily route documents into existing folders on a local network or create new folders directly from the scanning device / MFP.


Use Index search to locate any of your documents by name, keyword or number reference.

Key Benefits

Security & Disaster Recovery:

Easy backup & storage offsite

Productivity Gains:

You are no longer manually digging through file cabinets when trying to locate a document


Documents can be viewed by many people within your office or from remote off-site locations


Documents don’t become lost since there is no need to re-file

Space Efficiency:

Save office and cabinet space in your office / workplace

Cost Savings:

Employee and company resources are free from the manual handling, filing and re-filing of paper documents

Environmental Sustainability:

Documents are printed and copied at less of a frequency due to access by staff across the network

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