Contact Us
Our Name is Our Number:
1-800-4OFFICE (463-3423)

Ask a 4 Office representative
how we can help:
- Request service or supplies
- Inquire about products and services
- Speak to sales or request a product quotation
Corporate Headquarters:
425 Superior Blvd, Unit #1 & 2
Mississauga, ON
L5T 2W5
Phone: 905-564-0522
Fax: 905-564-2865
Ottawa Regional Office
2615 Lancaster Rd, Unit #15
Ottawa, ON
K1B 5N2
Phone: 613-248-1500
Fax: 613-248-1501

Serving you locally
With 7 service teams across the province, we directly support and service our customers in almost every municipality throughout Southern Ontario and in addition, via our network of partners, we also support customers with print solutions across Canada and internationally.
"Choice, Price, Sound Advice & a Chance to Change Your Mind"